Customer-centric pension company

AP Pension is a 100 percent customer-owned pension company. This means we always act on the basis of what is best for our customers overall.

As a customer of AP Pension, you will find:

  • that your pension scheme is simple and gives you peace of mind
  • that you get competent advice when you need it
  • that we tell you as it is
  • that you get value in the form of high returns and low costs
  • that as a co-owner, you have an influence
  • that you will receive a share of AP Pension’s profits

Customer democracy at AP Pension

In 1919, a group of cooperative members sat down and decided to set up a pension company for cooperative society members. The intention was for all of the company’s profits to go to its customers. This is how the story of AP Pension began.

Ever since then, we have held on to our roots in the cooperative movement. The customer-owned, independent and democratic aspects have not changed.

Once a year, before the end of April, AP Pension holds a general meeting. The general meeting is the highest authority. All customers are entitled to attend the general meeting, but only delegates have the right to vote. The delegates are chosen by and from among the customers and represent the customers’ interests. Employers and employees each elect their delegates.

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Har du spørgsmål til pension, er du velkommen til at kontakte AP Pension på 3916 5000 mellem klokken 8.00 og 15.00 alle hverdage.